Review by Tim Bets -- Gates to Tangier by Mois Benarroch
[Following is the official review of "Gates to Tangier" by Mois Benarroch.]

4 out of 4 stars
It can be a terrible burden and a lot to process when someone dies. When finding out about a brother that never existed until reading the will can be an overwhelming shock. Gates-to-Tangier by Mois Benarroch is a short story about the Benzimra family traveling to Morocco to find a brother they never knew. Finding their brother is the only way they will receive the money left for them.
Isaque, Israel, Fortu, Alberto, and their sister Silvia, are all Jews returning to Morocco. Morocco is a place that became exile because it is without Jews. Therefore, these siblings, have not been to Morocco in years. If it were not for the will, they would probably not have gone back at all. While forming a plan to try to find their brother Zohra, mixed emotions, confusion, and frustration combined make it hard for the siblings to want to complete the job they were given. What they didn't know is their brother Zohra is a woman. Can they complete the task to find their brother?
Zohra has been with her boyfriend for 2 years. For the longest time, Zohra was confused as to why she cannot have children even though she knows why. The reason still does not make sense to her. Zohra decides to do more research. Once she found the answer, her whole life could change. The biggest question for her is, what would become of Marcel and me?
I enjoyed the story about the siblings looking for their brother. It wasn't too short or too long. I did not find any mistakes at all. The author did a very good job relating details up to the end. The characters were also broken down to sections so that you could read about them one at a time instead of all at once. It felt like you got to know them better that way. There wasn't much I did not like about the story. I was disappointed to find out the news about Zohra, however it did make the story even more interesting. So it was a very good twist that was not expected.
I would rate this book 4 out of 4 stars. I would highly recommend this to anyone, except young children. Do not let the first sentence fool you. I almost wondered at first what I got myself into. Once I got past that part I can understand why it was written that way. The only thing I would say that could maybe be different is the first sentence because not everyone likes to read a book beginning that way.
Italiano :
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