Review by Juz Ongtangco -- review of "Raquel Says (Something Entirely Unexpected)" by Mois benarroch

Raquel Says (Something Entirely Unexpected) by Mois Benarroch is a book of recollections, reflections, and human mind speculations. It started with an explanation on how Raquel came to be. It goes on to tell of his extraordinary relationship with this woman – whom he considers his soulmate. From his narratives to his conversations with Raquel, Mois showed us his poetic side, which I thought was beautiful and complex yet fathomable.
The downside is that the book does not follow a traceable plot; consequently, I was not specifically enthusiastic in reading the next chapter. The only time I felt like the story is accelerating is when Mois shifted to Raquel’s point of view. At the start of each chapter however, there is a statement proposing what the content of that chapter will be. But as the chapter progresses, the back stories, ideas, dialogues, and narratives are thrown in random and makes me forget what the chapter should be all about. If there is supposedly a structure or framework in this work, it does not clearly show.
When I do read on, I find myself engulfed by this man’s fascinating thoughts: Mois imagines that with every decision you make, you create a forked road. One of these is the path you’ve taken and the others are the paths, or the life you could have had if you made a different choice. Now what if you took the second path instead of the first? What if this one particular event in your life never happened, where would you be now? Who would be the people in your life? What are the experiences you had? Who will YOU be now? These are a few of the ideas raised in the book that will stir your mind and make you imagine possibilities and see your own “what-ifs” in life.
Despite this, the theme that I feel is constant throughout the book is realizing one’s identity. Mois gave recognition in the book of his three identities: Moisito, Mois, and Moshe – all shaped and influenced by circumstances. Because he concretely named the three, one can understand why Mois probably felt lost or confused.
I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars. Although the author jumps from one topic to another spontaneously, what he writes is of sense and importance: he talks about discrimination brought about by religion, culture, geography and language; he shares his opinion on literature; and he sincerely tells of his yearning. I recommend this book to people who ever feel like they ever lost a part of who they are along the rocky road that is life.
Raquel Says (Something Entirely Unexpected)
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